Monday, 1 October 2012

Oct 1-5, 2012

Canada 1919

As a whole class we looked at textbook Chapter 5.  We discovered that after WW1, Canadian soldiers returned home to Canada to struggle in a different kind of a war.

Read Chapter 5 and complete the Word Concept Sheets, Cause and Effects and Adv. vs. Disadvantages T'Chart;

Assignment No. 2 was distributed: see below.

CHC2P Unit 1
Assignment Sheet # 2: 1919
Note: some of the weblinks are broken. You can conduct your own research online to find information about the question.

Name: ____________________________________________
The following questions relate to the year 1919:
A/ Conclusion of World War I:
1.      Go to the map at List the names of six new countries created by the Treaty of Versailles:

2.      In your opinion, was Germany alone responsible for starting World War I?

3.      At Versailles, the victors in World War I decided that Germany was responsible for starting World War I. They decided to punish Germany at the Peace Treaty. Go to and read about the ways in which Germany was punished at Versailles. List one way in which Germany was punished under each of the following headings:
a)       Territorial -

b)       Military -  

c)       Financial -

d)       General -

4.      Go to
Examine Map 1 (Europe and Asia Minor 1914) and Map 2 (Europe and Asia Minor 1924) and note how the Peace Treaty of Paris (also known as the Versailles Peace Treaty) changed the face of Europe.

5.      Go to to find out what territories Germany lost through the Treaty of Versailles. Move your cursor over each of the red squares to find out more about the territories lost by Germany.

6.      You have some knowledge of how World War I started. In your opinion, was the punishment of Germany too severe or just right? Answer this question in a brief paragraph by using some of the information that you know.

B/ Winnipeg General Strike and the Flu Pandemic:
1.      What is meant by collective bargaining?

2.      What is meant by a general strike?

3.      How long did the Winnipeg General Strike last?

4.      How did the Winnipeg General Strike end?

5.      What is a “scab”?

6.      As early as 1891, Pope Leo XIII put forth a pronouncement on workers called Rerum Novarum. The works of the Catholic Church are written in Latin and the title of the pronouncement is taken from the first two Latin words in the speech – “Of new things” or “rerum novarum.” This famous pronouncement or encyclical stated that workers had the right to form organizations or unions for their protection. It stated that employers and workers should cooperate and that the fruits of labour should be justly shared between the employers and workers. Moreover, workers had a right to wages with which they could support their families. The Catholic Church has also stated that if it becomes necessary to obtain just working conditions and other means have been tried without success, workers have a right to strike [Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2434-2436].
Pretend that you are a Catholic priest in Winnipeg in 1919. On a separate sheet of paper, prepare a speech on the Winnipeg General Strike that you will give in your church.

7.      Give two examples in the world today where workers are attempting to form unions.

8.      Give an example of collective bargaining in Canada today.

9.      Many soldiers contracted influenza or “flu” in the trenches and brought this  highly contagious disease home to the various countries they came from. The prefix “pan” on a word means “wide.” A “panorama” is a picture with a wide view. A “pandemic” is a disease that spreads over a wide area. The flu pandemic of 1919 eventually killed over 20 million people, including 35,000 Canadians. Can you name a 21st century pandemic disease?

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