Thursday, 27 September 2012

Test Newsflash

Sept 28th, 2012 Unit Test Hints

Materials: lined paper, pen/pencil, finished European WW1 Map from Thursday Sept. 27th class.

Keywords:  Alliances, Arms Race, Nationalism, Trenches, trench foot

Chapter 3 (Thinking)

-Causes of WW1
-Why did Germany want to invade France through Belgium?
-The Schlieffen Plan

Chapter 4 (Communication)
Trench Life

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Sept 26, 2012

Today, we read an article about how Canadians are ranked among the happiest people in the world.  We reviewed the article and it's survey and discussed how our Canadian history has influenced our present quality of life.

View the following media clips about the following people, places and/or events.

Textbook Chapter 4 (Knowledge/Understanding)-

Gas Attacks

Battle of Vimy Ridge

Billy Bishop

Convoy System (WW1)

Send a gmail with a brief response on how Canada as a nation prepared for entry into the Great War.  see your textbook for examples.   (Communication)

Unit Test on Friday Sept. 28, 2012

Chapter 1 (Recently evaluated )
**Chapter 2 Life In British Canada** All
***Chapter 3 Causes of WW1*** All
****Chapter 4 Trench Life**** All

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Sept 25th Media Viewing Causes of WW1

View the following videos about the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand;

Be prepared to communicate the Causes and Effects surrounding these historical events which sparked WW1;

Prepare a summary about what the Federal Government of Canada did in 1914 to prepare the nation for war overseas.  Hint: see Chapter 4.  Send your response to Due Thursday Sept. 27th, 2012.

(Communication    /10 Marks)

Monday, 24 September 2012

Sept 24-28

Sept 24, 2012

1. Chapter 3 Summary Due today;
(Hand in Word List Charts)
Textbook PP. 32-44 No. 5-7, 10 due tonight by 08:00pm via gmail or hardcopy due Tuesday;
2. Chapter 4 Summary Due Tuesday Sept. 25, 2012;
(Hand in Word List Charts)

-Brian Gosling Comprehension Package due today
-Chapter 1-4 Unit Test on Friday Sept. 28, 2012

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Sept 19-21 Homework and Media Analysis

Students will continue reading and summarizing Chapter 3-Preparing For War using their Keyterms and Cause and Effects toolkit sheets;

Causes of WW1 Assignment-Responses are due by Friday Sept. 21 by email or hardcopy submission;

Answer Questions on Page 44 No. 5, 6, 7 and 10 due Friday Sept 21 by email or hardcopy submission;

On Sept 18 we viewed and evaluated the significance of the following media clips. For your future reference the following are the links to these videos:

Monday, 17 September 2012

Chapter 3- Preparing For War, Sept 17-21

Read and Summarize PP. 32-42.  Use the handouts given to you on Friday Sept 14th, 2012. 
Keyword, Cause and Effect and T'Chart;

Homework Assignment For Chapter 3-Due In-Class Friday Sept 21.

Email Activity: Answer the Checkpoint Questions on P. 42 (No. 1-3) of the textbook and email your response by email to

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Sept 12 Class

Chapter 2 Life In British Canada con't,

The South African War was a significant war for Canadians because it demonstrated Canada's loyalty to Great Britain and the Queen.  Canada was a dominion at the time but did not have any foreign powers.  English and French Canada were divided about going to war in South Africa.  Laurier convinced most people to support the war but Henry Bourassa shared his opposition to having Canadian troops fight overseas.  Before the Canadians arrived, Great Britain was experiencing great casulaties and as a 'colonial power' other European countries were rideculing Britain for not being able to fight against the Boers (who also had German support) and Zulu's.  Canada's help showed that Great Britain's colonies were many, but most of all loyal.

Media: Video about the Boer War

The Alaska Boundary Dispute
Alaska was a new American territory that was purchased from the Russians in 1867.  Gold was discovered in the late 1890s and made this territory much more attractive and more valuable for the Americans (See P. 25).  The Americans and especially the Canadians were making claims on Alaska because of the borders close proximity to Canada.  Britain became involved in this dispute because Britain was responsible for Canada's foreign affairs.  Britain wanted to improve relations with the United States.  Laurier saw this relationship between Great Britain and United States as a concern while Great Britain saw it as a way to improve American-British relations.  In 1903, the Alaska boundary dispute went in favor of the Americans and Canada became outraged that Britain sided in favor with the Americans.

The Naval Question


Monday, 10 September 2012

Sept 10-14th, 2012

Reminder Sept 11: Period 2 Liturgy. Come to class on time and in uniform.

In class we discussed what Life in British Canada was like from 1900-1910. We viewed some images of people, places and events occuring during this time period.  More importantly, our textbook discusses what national developments were occuring during 1901-1911. Below are important concepts/events you need to read about:
Urbanization, slums, Technological advances, Demands for Improvements, Work Conditions, Changes in Education, Child Labour and Canada's Imperial Family.

Analyze the Map on Page 22 of your textbook, The Bristish Empire, 1900.  List some countries Great Britain controlled during this time and send me an email with your answers at;

We also watched a media clip that explained the significance of the South African War. Briefly post a comment on our course blog about who was involved in this conflict and why?

Sept 11, 2012
For homework continue reading PP. Chapter 2 and know about the Alaska Boundary Dispute, the Naval Question and Reciprocity.

Homework Questions P. 31, #1-4.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Chapter 2 Life in British Canada

Sept 10th, 2012

Class Work:  Read PP. 14-29

Knowledge/Understanding Key Terms and Headings to Know:
National Developments: Urbanization, Urban Population (Chart), Technological Advances, Demands for Improvement, Changing Roles for Women, Work Conditions, Changes in Education, Changes in Entertainment, Canada In The Imperial Family;

South African War
Alaska Boundary Dispute
Naval Question
Laurier Loses

Investigate: Complete Questions 1-4 on PP. 31

Application Assignment:  Create a newspaper FRONT PAGE about any of the events discussed in Chaper 2 Life in British Canada.  Make your news page as creative and accurate as you can. Examples will be discussed in class.

Due Friday Sept. 14th.

Send finished work to by 08:00pm Sept. 14th.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Sept. 7 Chapter 1 Summary

Canada's population was small and Canada as a nation also had a lot of land. Americans wanted to expand into Canda and so Sir Wilfrid Laurier depended on immigrants to come over and create a sense of nationalism. Immigrants especially from Britain and Russia arrived to the Canadian West. Aboriginals felt like they were being threatened and exploited and neglected by the federal government during this time of european arrivals. Canada was forcing assimilation policy onto immigrants and natives. Immigrants were attracted to Canada because of new life opportunities and not all immigrants were encouraged to come to Canada.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Changing Face of Canada

Textbook-Canada Face of a Nation

Course Textbooks will be distributed by Friday Sept. 07
PP. 4-13 Read and Summarize Main Ideas, Peoples and Events.

P. 12-13 No. 2, 4, 5, 6.

Thursday Sept. 06th

Unit 1 Forming Canada's Idenity
On Thursday you will have class time to begin a short writing activity about the importance of forming a nations identity.  A handout will be distributed with activity expectations.  Due Tuesday Sept. 11, 2012